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Global Minimum Wages, a 1.5 day conference sponsored by the Program for Research on Inequality, the Industrial Relations Section, and the Research Program in Development Economics at Princeton University, will feature cutting-edge work on the impact of minimum wages on low and middle-income countries throughout the world. Join us for a keynote talk by Attila Lindner (University College London), paper presentations covering minimum wages in Argentina, Brazil, India, Morocco, Tanzania, Thailand, Uruguay, and South Africa among other countries, and panels covering topics such as informality and collective bargaining. The full conference program can be found below.

Image: Tarsila do Amaral, Workers (Operários), 1933, Acervo Artistico-Cultural dos Palacios do Governo do Estado de Sao Paulo, © Tarsila do Amaral.


Friday, October 18

8:00 am

Registration and Breakfast (Room 397/399)

8:45 am

Welcoming remarks
David Lee and Ellora Derenoncourt

9:00 am

Minimum Wage and Gender Gaps: Evidence from Morocco
Louise Paul-Delvaux, World Bank

9:45 am

Employment effects of minimum wages in a dual economy: Evidence from Thailand
Saisawat Samutpradit, Osaka University

10:30 am


10:45 am

Do Minimum Wage Hikes Lead to Employment Destruction? Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design in Argentina
Bruno Jiménez, New York University

11:30 am


1:00 pm

Panel: Effects of the Minimum Wage in Brazil
Ellora Derenoncourt (Princeton University), Eric Verhoogen (Columbia University), and Rafael Machado Parente (IMF)

2:30 pm


2:45 pm

Minimum Wage Effects without Enforcement
Samuel Marshall, University of Warwick

3:30 pm

Collusion Among Employers in India
Garima Sharma, Northwestern University

4:15 pm


4:30 pm

Panel: Collective bargaining evidence from around the globe
Lorenzo Lagos (Brown University), Suresh Naidu (Columbia University), and Nadia Ali (Columbia University)

6:30 pm

Conference Dinner (Invitation only)

Saturday, October 19

8:30 am

Breakfast (Room 397/399)

9:00 am

Minimum Wages and the Distribution of Firm Wage Premia
Damián Vergara, University of Michigan

9:45 am

Rent-Sharing, Wage Floors and Development
Ihsaan Bassier, University of Surrey

10:30 am


10:45 am

Closing Keynote 
Minimum Wages Across the Globe
Attila Lindner, University College London

11:45 am


2:00 p.m.

Conference Adjourns