Khadijah Anwar ’22 Barriers to Women’s Absorption of the Benefits of Growing Telecom Subscriptions
Andrew Castleman ’22 The Effect of Gender and Race on Wage Spillover from Uber’s Entrance in United States Cities
Leland Domaratzky ’22 Halliburton II and its Impact on Litigation Trends of Securities Fraud Class Actions
Caren Ju ’22 General Employment Effects of Ban-the-Box and Certificate of Restoration Policies
Sophia Lewandrowski ’22 American Medical Malpractice Tort Law: The Effect of Variations in Caps on Attorney Contingency Fees on State Health Expenditures as a Proxy for Defensive Medicine
Emiri Morita ’22 Employment Impacts of the ARC’s POWER Initiative Grants in Coal Communities
Griswold Center for Economic Policy Studies (GCEPS)