Browse past events, seminars, and conferences.
The Barbie Problem: Goods that People Buy But Wish Did Not Exist
How Cognitive Skills affect Strategic Behavior: Cognitive Ability, Fluid Intelligence and Judgment
Extracting Models from Data Sets: An Experiment
Tailored Stories
Strategic Behavior with Tight, Loose and Polarized Norms
Rational Choice Overload
The Selective Disclosure of Evidence: an Experiment
Understanding Expert Choices Using Decision Time
Prosociality and Layoffs
Decomposing the Winners' Curse
Ever Since Allais (and Ellsberg ...)
Lost In Transmission
Bounded Rationality and Strategic Competition: Evidence from Gas Station Managers
Over- and Underreaction to Information
Quantifying Lottery Choice Complexity
Discrimination Against Doctors: A Field Experiment
Muriel Niederle
Stochastic dominance and preference for randomization
Attitudes towards success and failure
Anticipatory Utility and Intertemporal Choice