Each week, the Economics Departments hosts several academic seminars for students and faculty. Browse the full seminar calendar below.
“Teaching and learning mathematics in India, in and out of the classroom"
On care, procrastination, regret and temptation: When psychosomatic costs shape preferences
ϵ-Minimax Solutions of Statistical Decision Problems via the Hedge Algorithm
Boaz Abramson
Designing a Regulatory Sandbox
Learning in Social Networks with Level-k Reasoning
Xiang Zhang
Yuheng Zheng
News Media as Suppliers of Narratives (and Information)
Pier Paolo Creanza, Princeton University
Quality Incentives and Upgrading in Uganda's Coffee Supply Chain
Jessica Brown, University of South Carolina
Mark Gertler
Bruce Hansen
Santosh Anagol
Hassan Sayed
Mark Bamba
Markus Pelger
William Liu
Catherine Thomas, London School of Economics