Certificates and Programs
Many students choose to augment their degrees with additional training in finance and/or the political economy. While the Certificate in Finance is available to all Princeton students, including those not concentrating in Economics, only Economics concentrators can enroll in the Program in Political Economy.
Certificate in Finance
The Certificate in Finance, offered by Princeton’s Bendheim Center for Finance, provides students with additional proficiency in the discipline of finance, including the determination of exchange rates and international capital flows, the making of monetary and fiscal policy, the role of financial reform in developing and transition economies, the regulation and taxation of financial markets and financial instruments, anti-trust policy, and more.
Learn more about the Certificate in Finance
The Program in Political Economy
Students who want to participate in the Program in Political Economy will need to enroll online in the fall of their junior year. The program is offered by the Economics Department in collaboration with the Politics Department. Through participation in the program, students learn more about how the fields of politics and economics interact to modify the distribution of income, introduce distortions in markets, and correct for market failures.