Internship Milestone Credit
The Internship Milestone Credit is available to Economics majors to record a summer internship experience on their transcript and receive academic credit for it. In order to be eligible, the internship must be at least six weeks in length and the work must be directly related to economics. Students are not required to participate in a summer internship or apply for the credit, but they may apply for the credit more than once.
An economics major who is interested in applying for this credit should submit an application through TigerHub by clicking the Internship Milestone App link on the Academic Tasks Tile. You will need the following: (1) proof of meeting prerequisites to enter the Economics department, (2) the internship offer letter, and (3) the related job description. If you have additional questions, please contact our Undergraduate Program Manager, Gina Holland.
Below are answers to some questions students often ask about the Internship Milestone Credit:
Can the Internship Milestone Credit replace one of my required departmental courses?
No. Although the Milestone carries academic credit, it does not carry course credit, so it does not count toward the 31 (for AB) or 36 (for BSE) course credits required for graduation.
What’s the difference between completing an internship with or without the Internship Milestone Credit?
A student’s summer internship experience will be unaffected by the Internship Milestone Credit, and the Milestone will not influence how students list their work experiences on a resume. However, students whose employers require academic credit as a condition of the internship, or international students who wish to apply for Curricular Practical Training (CPT), must apply for the Internship Milestone Credit.
Who is eligible to apply for the Internship Milestone Credit?
Juniors in the Economics Department may submit an application through TigerHub at any time. Sophomores may apply immediately after declaring an Economics major in April. Many students ask if they can declare their concentration early in order to be eligible for the credit as a first-year AB student. This is not allowed.
What are the application requirements?
Applicants will be asked to demonstrate how the internship is related to the Economics curriculum. To do so, they will have to draw a clear connection between the proposed work and specific ECO course(s) on their application form. Unrelated internships (for example sales, marketing, business plans, data analysis, or software programming that aren’t specifically applied to the economic curriculum) will not be approved.
Students will also have to prove that they have successfully completed, or are currently enrolled in and on track to receive a grade of C or better, our pre-requisite courses.
To prove that they have met the department’s entrance prerequisite, students should submit an internal transcript showing that they have earned a grade of C or better in ECO 100, ECO 101, MAT 175 or MAT 201, and ECO 202/ORF 245/POL 345 + POL 346. If they are using AP credit, they should submit a copy of the MyTest Scores page from TigerHub. If they are currently enrolled in a prerequisite course, they should submit proof of their midterm exam grade.
How do I apply?
An economics major who is interested in applying for this credit should submit an application through TigerHub by clicking the Internship Milestone App link on the Academic Tasks Tile. You will need the following: (1) proof of meeting prerequisites to enter the Economics department, (2) the internship offer letter, and (3) the related job description. If you have additional questions, please contact our Undergraduate Program Manager, Gina Holland.
I want to complete an internship that’s related to my minor program, not my major. Am I still eligible to apply for the Internship Milestone Credit?
The Internship Milestone Credit is available for internships that are directly related to a student’s major and is awarded only by departments. Internships that are related to a minor, but not a student’s major, are ineligible.
Do I need to find a faculty advisor to apply for the Internship Milestone Program?
No. The Internship Milestone Credit is approved by the department, but does not require students to have individual faculty advisers.
I’m an international student. Does receiving the Internship Milestone Credit ensure that I’ll be approved for CPT?
No. The Internship Milestone Credit is necessary, but not sufficient, for F-1 visa undergraduate students to receive CPT work authorization. After applying for the Internship Milestone Credit and receiving departmental approval, international students’ applications will be subject to additional review by the Davis International Center to ensure that it meets the requirements for CPT as set forth by the federal government.
How soon will I see the Internship Milestone Credit on my transcript and what will it look like?
The Internship Milestone Credit will be awarded by your department at the conclusion of your internship and after you have submitted the required documentation to confirm that you completed your internship responsibilities. It will appear on your transcript sometime during the fall term. Your specific employer or internship title will not be listed on your transcript. Rather, your transcript will include a line that says “Summer 2025: Internship Milestone Credit.”