Browse past events, seminars, and conferences.
The Pass-through of Productivity Shocks to Wages and the Cyclical Competition for Workers
Inappropriate Technology: Evidence from Global Agriculture
Minimum Wages and Optimal Redistribution
What Jobs Come to Mind? Stereotypes about Fields of Study
The Effects of the Legal Minimum Working Time on Workers, Firms and the Labor Market
Payment Network Competition
The geometry of consumer preference aggregation
En Route: The French Colonial Army, Emigration, and Development in Morocco
Long-Term Relationships and the Spot Market: Evidence from US Trucking
Dynamic Concern for Misspecification
Causal Inference with Corrupted Data: Measurement Error, Missing Values, Discretization, and Differential Privacy
College Major Restrictions and Student Stratification
The Market for Attention
The Macroeconomics of Narratives
Trading Non-Tradables: The Implications of Europe’s Job Posting Policy
Defying Distance? The Provision of Services in the Digital Age
Wealth, Returns, and Taxation: A Tale of Two Dependencies
Raising bond capital in segmented markets
In safe hands: The financial and real impact of investor composition over the credit cycle
Bidding for talent: Equilibrium wage dispersion on a high-wage online job board