Pre-Approved Cognates
Economics concentrators may count a maximum of two courses from other departments as cognates to replace two of the required departmental elective courses. These courses need to have substantial economics content. A course with an Economics cross-listing (indicated by an ECO 3XX, ECO 4XX, or ECO 5XX number in its first or second listing) counts as a regular departmental elective, not as a cognate.
Some courses are already approved as cognates. The full list of those courses is below. If you would like the department to consider a course that is not on the list below, please complete the cognate approval form and submit it, along with a copy of the course syllabus, to Gina Holland.
To be approved as a cognate, a course must have a substantial content of theoretical or empirical economic analysis. Permission should be obtained before the semester’s deadline for the grading option change (usually in week 8 or 9 of each term).
Courses that are automatically approved as cognates include:
- COS 445 Networks, Economics and Computing
- ECE 470/COS 470 Principles of Blockchains
- ECE 473/COS 473 Elements of Decentralized Finance
- ENE 422/MAE 422 Introduction to Electricity Sector-Engineering, Economics, and Regulation
- MAT 378 Theory of Games
- ORF 307/EGR 307 Optimization
- ORF 309/EGR 309/MAT 380 Probability and Stochastic Systems
- ORF 311 Stochastic Optimization and Machine Learning in Finance
- ORF 350 Analysis of Big Data
- ORF 363/COS 323 Computing and Optimization for Physical & Social Sciences
- ORF 405 Regression and Applied Time Series
- ORF 445 High Frequency Markets: Models and Data Analysis
- ORF 473 Special Topics in Operations Research and Financial Engineering: Financial Technology and Data-Driven Innovation
- ORF 515 Asset Pricing II: Stochastic Calculus and Advanced Derivatives
- POL 335 The Political Economy of the United States
- POL 349 Political Economy
- POL 352/SPI 321 Comparative Political Economy
- POL 357 Gender and Development *NOTE: ECO majors will need to do additional empirical work for this course to count as a cognate.
- POL 385 International Political Economy
- POL 434 The Political Economy of China, Past and Present
- POL 492 Political Economy and Development
- POL 505 Experimental Methods in Political Science
- SOC 306/SML 306 Machine Learning with Social Data: Opportunities and Challenges
- SPI 329/POL 350 Comparative Political Economy for Policy Making
- SPI 340/PSY 321 Psychology of Decision-Making and Judgment
- SPI 466/HIS 467 Financial History
- SPI 522 Microeconomics for Policy Analysis
- SPI 524 Political Economy of Central Banking
- SPI 538 Urban Economics
- SPI 582C Topics in Applied Economics: Growth, International Finance, and Crises
- SPI 582F Topics in Economics – Understanding Macro & Financial Policy